What’s new in SmartMeter.io 1.4.0
This release is focused mostly on enhancing test reports: trend analysis, full error details, and custom start/end. Let’s take a closer look.
New features in test reports:
・ Comparing different test runs using trend analysis
We have added a second tab to the test report called trend analysis. It shows a long-term comparison of individual test runs so you don’t have to compare them manually.
Trend Analysis works out of the box. SmartMeter.io automatically detects previous test runs in reports folder and uses them for comparison. Test runs are grouped by test script name (name of the .jmx file).
・ Custom start/end offsets for reports
Oftentimes it is useful to process only a part of a test run. For example, to exclude the ramp-up phase or to cut off few last minutes when the tested system system was already unavailable.
This way you can get a clean report without the ramp-up/cool-down phase.
・ Full detail on test errors
We have added a detail page for each failed request/transaction into the report. The page contains request and response details, failure message and total number of occurrences.
Other improvements in 1.4.0:
・ Easier license installation
Since 1.4.0 it is much easier to install the license file. SmartMeter.io will prompt you with a standard file dialog if the license is missing.
Note: See the documentation for headless (no GUI) installation.
・ Digital signature for OS X Script Recorder
We have digitally signed the Electron Script Recorder for OS X so it should work without any further hassle.
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